Tuesday 26 October 2010

Ugly Betty

The postmodern text i have choosen to post is the US comedy drama Ugly Betty. Certain theories have suggested that due to television we now live in a 'three minute culture'. Much of the postmodernism within Ugly Betty supports Jean Baudrillard theory of the blurring of real and simulated. Another Baudrillard theory supported is that of hyper-reality. Celebrity culture is also seen within Ugly Betty, Victoria Beckham and Lindsay Lohan have both appeared as themselves within the series. Ugly Betty also supports Strinati's theory. Out of Strinati's five 'style over substance' is the one used the most throughout. As pointed out in the title 'Ugly Betty', Betty is seen as ugly within her world but is constantly reminded she is 'beautiful' on the inside, us as viewers are also reminded of this. Within Ugly Betty it also shows and represents to us that people in their world and the real world are stringly influenced by brands, the label is sometimes more important then the actual product itself, style over substance. This is shown in Ugly Betty in the fashion world.

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