Sunday 20 December 2009

The Godfathers opening scenes

I like the way that The Godfather opens up in an interview. This makes it veery clear what has happened.

Munich trailer

by Steven Spielberg

Tuesday 15 December 2009

The Conventions of a Thriller

•A Thriller has to be fast paced, keeping the audience on their toes the whole time

•A thriller has to have a complex narrative structure.

•The main character, usually a man, has to be drawn to danger.

•Thrillers are psychological, this means that the audience have to work hard to keep up with the story.

•There are many twists in a Thriller film

•Thriller films have low key lighting

•Thrillers include antagonist/protagonist characters

•Thrillers include a lot of violence/blood

•Thrillers follow the line if ‘good guy versus bad guy’

•Thrillers tend to include Spies and secret information

•During Thrillers, the characters identity can be hidden

•Thrillers tend to hold back the plot until the end

What to expect in the opening scenes of a thriller

We expect to see 5 main things happen with in the first two minutes of a Thriller film... These are:
An Introduction to the characters/main character in the film

The main concept of the plot is hinted towards

The titles to show the characters/director/music etc. from the film

Sound or music can be heard to add to the feeling of suspense of the thrille, this also helps to set the scene

The Location in which the Thriller is set.

Thriller Notes- Memento

Whats happening in the opening scene.
What conventions.

- Non digetic music creates suspence.
- Titles start blue writing on a black background- list of actors, directors, producers and costume design.
- The name of the film, MEMENTO is in a larger font infront of the action.
All conventions of a thriller.
- No dialogue, just action of the scene.
- Only sound in the opening is the non digetic music, the sound of the man screaming and the sound of the gun and other props such as glasses which are emphasised.
- The main character is introduced to us as a killer but doesnt seem comfortable with the situation implying hes not a serial killer. Wearing a neutral coloures suit implying hes in some profession? The colour of the suit connotates he could be just an ordinary person dealing with a out of the ordinary situation.
- In the opening scene the narrative is revealed to us backwards which is unconventinal and confusing whilst keeping the audience hooked wanting to know whats going to happen.
- The setting is unclear but seems to be in a abandoned warehouse, which is conventional.
- The writing on his hand and him taking pictures could suggest he needs to remind himself as is forgetful.


A thriller gives the audience a feeling of suspence making you think about whats happening. Ususally has quite a complex narrative structure with crime at the core (often murder).

Thriller Conventions...
-Binary oppisitions usually consist of justice vs injustice.
-A crime at core of narrative.
-Extrodinary events happening in ordinary situations.
-Themes of mirroring, identity and voyeuism.
-A complex narrative structure, with false paths, clues and resolutions.
-The characters.. male are represented to us as the more dominant gender whilst women are portrayed to us as more of the victim.
-Non digetic music to create tension and suspense also to set the scene.

Thriller titles..
-The Godfather
-The Dark Knight
-Sin City

Thriller Directors..
-Alfred Hitchcock
Well known for thrillers such as 'Rear window', 'Psycho' and 'Birds'.
-Martain Scorsese
Well known for films such as 'Departed' and 'After hours'
-Steven Spielberg
Films such as 'Jaws' and 'Closer encounters of the third kind'.

Monday 14 December 2009

Sub-Genres of Thrillers...

There are 14 different sub-genres of a Thriller, these include:

Action - This includes alot of violence (with lots of guns and explotions), and a race against a time limit. Examples of Action Thiller's are: James Bond and The Transformers

Conpiracy - This is when a hero or heroine confronts a group of enemies, who only the hero/ heroine recognises there power. Examples are: The Chancellor Manuscript and Capricorn One

Crime - This offers either a successful or unsuccessful crime. The main focus is on the criminals rather than the policeman. Examples are: The Killing and Resevoir dog

Disaster - When the main action is based on a natural or artificial disaster. Examples are Stormy Weather and Tremor

Drama - This includes character buildings alongside the twist of the story. This sub-genre is often slower paced than others, to let the story build. Examples are: The Illutionist and The Interpreter

Legal - This is based on a courtroom storyline, but includes both the stories of the laywers findings inside and outside of the courtroom. An Example is The Innocent Man

Medical - This is based on a doctor personal and work life to help show the medical problems. Examples are: The Hot Zone and Awake

Politcal - This is when the hero has to secure the safety of the governement which employs him to work. Examples are: Seven Days in May and The Day of the Jackal

Phycological - This is when the characters are based on mental and emothional grounds, rather than physical grounds. Examples are: Suspicion and Shadow of a Doubt.

Spy - This is when the main character is a government agent and are taking action against anyone who wants to overpower ther government. Examples are: From Russia With Love and The Bourne Identity.

Thriller Titles

• The Godfather
• Pulp Fiction
• The Dark Knight
• Rear Window
• Fight Club
• Physco
• The Usual Suspects
• The Silence of the Lamb
• The Matrix
• North by Northwest
• Memento
• Vertigo
• Double Indemnity
• The Third Man
• Alien
• The Clockwork Orange
• The Shining
• Rebecca
• Touch of Evil
• Jaws
• The Big Sheep
• Reservoir Dogs
• China Town
• At Dawn They Sleep
• Terror at Tate Manor