Tuesday 15 December 2009


A thriller gives the audience a feeling of suspence making you think about whats happening. Ususally has quite a complex narrative structure with crime at the core (often murder).

Thriller Conventions...
-Binary oppisitions usually consist of justice vs injustice.
-A crime at core of narrative.
-Extrodinary events happening in ordinary situations.
-Themes of mirroring, identity and voyeuism.
-A complex narrative structure, with false paths, clues and resolutions.
-The characters.. male are represented to us as the more dominant gender whilst women are portrayed to us as more of the victim.
-Non digetic music to create tension and suspense also to set the scene.

Thriller titles..
-The Godfather
-The Dark Knight
-Sin City

Thriller Directors..
-Alfred Hitchcock
Well known for thrillers such as 'Rear window', 'Psycho' and 'Birds'.
-Martain Scorsese
Well known for films such as 'Departed' and 'After hours'
-Steven Spielberg
Films such as 'Jaws' and 'Closer encounters of the third kind'.

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