Tuesday 15 December 2009

The Conventions of a Thriller

•A Thriller has to be fast paced, keeping the audience on their toes the whole time

•A thriller has to have a complex narrative structure.

•The main character, usually a man, has to be drawn to danger.

•Thrillers are psychological, this means that the audience have to work hard to keep up with the story.

•There are many twists in a Thriller film

•Thriller films have low key lighting

•Thrillers include antagonist/protagonist characters

•Thrillers include a lot of violence/blood

•Thrillers follow the line if ‘good guy versus bad guy’

•Thrillers tend to include Spies and secret information

•During Thrillers, the characters identity can be hidden

•Thrillers tend to hold back the plot until the end

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