Thursday 4 February 2010

Filming Plan...

Walking down lane scene..
Camera shots..-
-Establishing shot of the lane.
-over shoulder shot of victim
-point of view shot of whislt annabel walking
-point of view shot from the kidnapper, of annabel walking
-Pan shot of walking past
-Extreme Close up of Annabels face showing a scared, confussed and anxious expression

Walking out of School scene..
Camera shots..-
- Establishing shot of school
- A master shot of her walking in a crowd
- Far back long shot of her walking from behind
- Extreme close up of putting her school bag on her shoulder

Garage Scene..
Camera shots..-
- An establishing shot of the garage from the oustide
- A Master shot of the wall covered in photographs of Annabel
- Pan Shot of photo's of the wall
- Zoom in shot of annabels latest picture
- Extreme close up of picture
- Extreme close up of Kidnapper crossing off picture of Annabel

Sophie and Millie

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