Tuesday 23 February 2010

Touch Of Evil.

Touch Of Evil is a thriler directed by Orson Welles, the film was made in 1958. In falls within the thriller genre and has the sub-genres of crime and corruption.
Within the opening scene there is a pacey non-deigetic music played through out, in the track there is what sounds like a ticking noise relating to the bomb which is hidden within the car acting as a consatant reminder to us of the danger which will follow. This puts the audience at edge as it creates suspence and an uneasy tension.
There is also diegetic sounds such as the whistle from the policemen directing the traffic, the dialogue from the characters and the everyday noises of a town. The opening is not in technicolour which creates quite a dark a bleak effect.. setting the scene. You are also being introduced to the main characters, all of these conventional to a thriller. The large explosion is where the action really begins as apart from the bomb the only dangerous thilling prop or event. The man and women walking along seemed to me the establishing characters, both wearing fashionable costumes showing they are wealthy, with the man in a suit and the women in a dress and heels. Although within this opening the music doesnt really create much suspence, it more the constant reminder whenever you see the car, of the bomb, always wondering and thinking about whats going to happen next.

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