Wednesday 24 February 2010


Through the editing process we have come across some shots that didn't fit into the style ofour Thriller. Also some of the shots were with an unsteady hand, and so it wouldn't follow the continueity rule if we used them in our Thriller opening. Therefore we have to go back to our location and refilm some of the footage... including:

1) High angled shot of the victim walking through the bypass of subway. This is to give an effect of a security camera. We have to refilm this as it was an unsteady shot.

2) Low angle of victim walking down the stairs outside. The lighting didn't work the first time, so we might have to reconsider the positioning of the camera.

3) Close up of feet walking down a flight of stairs. This was an unsteady shot, need to use a tripod.

4) Mid shot low angled shot of the victim walking down the stairs inside. The positioning of the victim wasn't right, therefore need to rethink this when on set.

5) Extreme close up of the hand going around the corner while holding the banister. We need to redo this to make the shot flow, as the duration of the footage was not long enough to flow after we had edited the footage.

There are a few more shots that we need to film, which are as followes:

1) Missing Poster Shot

2) Knife shot (either with a shadow or the real thing)

We are still uncertain whether to film the scene of the victims picture being crossed off. If we do decide to use this scene in our film opening, we will use a picture of the victim walking, therefore to give the effect of the killer stalking the victim.



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