Wednesday 27 January 2010

About Flash Backs

We have had some issues with resolving how we are going to portray the flashbacks of 'Annabel'. The choices we had were:
Refilming the scene of a childhood memory
or Pictures in a collage from different childhood occasions
or Using real footage from our actors childhood, (family relative so easy to get hold of).

After much thought and consideration, we have come to the conclusion that we will be using the real footage from the childooh of our actor, as this way, it will make it more realistic and reliable, as it is the actor when younger...

We have come to this conclusion because, if we would have decided to refilm the footage, we would have had the difficulty in finding a suitable location and actors to represent a family. As we needed a young actor, we would have needed to get permission, which would have been a lot more difficult process.

We have chosen against the idea of pictures, as it would have been tricky to film the pictures in an interesting way that would engage the audience that would keep the pace of the action fast. However, we are still going to use some pictures, as quick flash back before the end titles, in a dramatic and ongoing fast pace way.

Millie and Sophie

Thursday 21 January 2010

Audience Questionaire

In order to understand what the audience wants from a Thriller, we have written another questionaire, which was based on the audiences opinion and understanding of Thriller's. From this Questionaire, we have come to the conclusion that Action and Horror were the top two Sub-genres preferred. From this result, we will have to add in a sub-genre of either Horror or Action. We will do this by adding props which fit into these genres, i.e a weapon...
We Asked what the audiences top Thriller Films were, these included:Day After Tomorrow, Physco, Matrix. From knowing this, it has allowed us to research into these thrillers, analysing the conventions in the opening scenes (which have obviously had an effect on the audience) allowing us to be inspired for our own opening of a Thriller....

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Directors Study..

Alfred Hitchcock.
Sir Alfred Hitchcock was an english film maker and producer who pioneered many techniques in the suspense and psychological thriller genres.
Alfred Hitchcock was a best known for his thriller films. Hitchcock directed more than fifty feature films in a career spanning six decades. He remains one of the most popular and most recognised filmmakers, and his works are still popular today. Often regarded as the greatest British filmmaker of all time, in 2007 Hitchcock was ranked #1 by film critics in The Telegraph's list of 21 greatest British directors.

Academy Award nominations..
Year Film Award Winner
1940 Rebecca Best Director John Ford – The Grapes of Wrath
1941 Suspicion Outstanding Motion Picture Darryl F. Zanuck – How Green Was My Valley
1944 Lifeboat Best Director Leo McCarey – Going My Way
1945 Spellbound Best Director Billy Wilder – The Lost Weekend
1954 Rear Window Best Director Elia Kazan – On the Waterfront
1960 Psycho Best Director Billy Wilder – The Apartment
1967 Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award Y

Director of such works as Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds and The 39 steps, Hitchcock told his stories through intelligent plots witty dialogue and a spoonful of mystery and murder. In doing so, he inspired a new generation of filmmakers and revolutionized the thriller genre, making him a legend around the world.

Props, Costume and Make-up..

With in our film we only need a small number of props which are:
Bin Bag
Pictures of girls memories of childhood (birthdays, School photos, Family occassions)
Missing Poster
School Bag
Red Marker Pen

School Girl: Shirt, Tie, Skirt, Blazor, Tights, Black 'Dolly' Shoes
Kidnapper (altough never shown in full): Black Jumper, Black Trousers, Long Black Jacket, Black Gloves, Black Shoes.

The Girl would be wearing natural make-up, to keep her looking innocent and not 'overly' grown up.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Directors Study...

Steven Spielberg:
Steven Spielberg is one of the most influencial and well known Film Director in Hollywood, also well known as a producer and writter of films. Born in Ohio in 1946 he has been in the film industry since 1957, when he was an uncredited assistant editor of "Wagon Train", a country western. For the First couple of Years he spent directing films, were all short Films, including Battle Squad (1961), The Last Gun (1959), and Escape to Nowhere (1961).

Spielberg's first major directorial film was 'The Sugarland Express' (1974), this was his first film that was his success was noticed by the film industry, and this film started off his 'expensive' and successful career as a film director. The next film that he made was his first Famous film... 'Jaws' (1974). This was the start of a series of Jaw films and Spielberg got the credit for starting this phase.

In the 1980's, Spielbergs work found itself in the pop-culture. In 1988 he produced a film called Who Framed Roger Rabbit, which was the landmark animation/live-action film.

Here are a List of the Films in which Spielberg has Directed...

The Sugarland Express - About a Prison Break... Involves a kidnapping of Texas Department of Public Safety trooper Kenneth Crone - The Film won the award for Best Screen Play at 1974 Cannes Film Festival.

Jaws - Shark attacks, Shark is killed by a fisherman's boat.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Roy Neary Stalls his car, and is shown the light, past that time he constantly sees strange visions and five musical notes in his head...

1941 - After the Bombing of Pearl Harbour, California is in panick, as they were the expected next attack. (comedy)

Raiders of the Lost Ark - Dr Indiana Jones fights snakes and Nazis, this film is full of cliffhangers aswell, which adds to the thrill of the film.

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial - A group of Earth children help a stranded alien botanist return home.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - After arriving in India, Indiana Jones is asked by a desperate village to find a mystical stone. He agrees, and stumbles upon a secret cult plotting a terrible plan in the catacombs of an ancient palace

The Color Purple - The life and trials of a young African American Woman.

Empire of the Sun - A young English boy struggles to survive under Japanese occupation during World War II.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - When Dr. Henry Jones Sr. suddenly goes missing while pursuing the Holy Grail, eminent archaeologist Indiana Jones must follow in his father's footsteps and stop the Nazis.

Always - A romantic adventure about a legendary pilot's passion for dare-devil firefighting and his girl.

Hook - When Capt. Hook kidnaps his children, an adult Peter Pan must return to Neverland and reclaim his youthful spirit in order to challenge his old enemy.

Jurassic Park - After a Power Break doen, the model Dinosaurs run loose on the preview tour.

Schindler's List - Oskar Schindler uses Jews to start a factory in Poland during the war. He witnesses the horrors endured by the Jews, and starts to save them.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park - A reseach team is sent to Jurassic Park Site B to do research on the dinosaurs there. Another team sent for a different agenda.

Amistad - a 1839 mutiny aboard a slave ship that is traveling towards the northeastern coast of America. Much of the story involves a court-room drama about the free man who led the revolt.

Saving Private Ryan - Following the Normandy Landings, a group of US soldiers go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence - A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother.

Minority Report - criminals are caught before the crimes they commit, but one of the officers in the special unit is accused of one such crime and sets out to prove his innocence.

Catch Me If You Can - A true story about Frank Abagnale Jr. who, before his 19th birthday, successfully conned millions of dollars worth of checks as a Pan Am pilot, doctor, and legal prosecutor.

The Terminal - An Eastern immigrant is left stranded at the JFK airport.

War of the Worlds - One family fights for survival as the earth is invaded by an alien tripod fighting machine.

Munich - Based on the true story of the Black September aftermath, about the five men chosen to eliminate the ones responsible for that fateful day.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Dr Henry Indiana Jones is called back to solve the mysterious artifacts known as the Crystal Skulls.

Target Audience Continued...

We have estasblished the two main categories of choosing our target audience. We have also covered some sub categories....

Interests: We believe that the main interests are as follows.. An Element of Family interest, because every one is part of some kind of family, showing it can relate to anybody. And the fear of loosing a family member is so strong that it being shown on screen would bring it to life and show you how it would affect a family...

Target Audience....

Age Group: 18-34. We believe this would be a suitable age range. Due to the large size of it, we can seperate it into two catergaries, allowing it to appeal to two seperate age groups. The first age group would be 18-24. This group would more likely be attracted to the adrenaline rush, on-going action, and suspense of a thriller. Whereas the larger age group, 24-34, are more likely to feel empathy with the characters, allowing them to build a relationship with the characters, and relate to the occurance in the family.

Gender: Our Missing Child film is more likely to appeal to the male audience. We have decided this as stereotypically a mother has a special relationship/connection, with a child, maternal insticts. Therefore are unlikely to want to watch someone else to go through what would be there worst nightmare, of their child going missing... Even though there is also a special relationship between a father and child, the bond isn't as strong as the mothers because stereotypically the mother would stay home with the children while the father goes to work, therefore connecting with the children. Also, as the main character is male, the kidnapper, it would make the men feel in power and the stronger sex.

Wednesday 13 January 2010


For reasearch we created a questionaire to gain an audience understanding of what they expect in a thriller film.
Through our questionaire we learnt that the name of our thriller will now be Annabel as this was the majority of the votes. Also we have concluded that the setting will take place inside. Due to the results being to similar we are still undecided on the location it is a choice between a warehouse or a old abandoned house. To resolve this matter we are going to take picture of both locations and show to the audience, to get there opinion to help decide the better location because it has to appeal to the audience. The audiences opinion was also wanting it to be set at night as there would be an issue with lighting we need to think of solutions to solve this issue.
As the results from the questionaire were so varied when asked about music we are just going to go with the conventional choral music but to please the audience we could include elements of the other genre's in which have been chosen. Through the questionaire and our own decisions we have decided that there will also no dialouge in the opeinng scene as this would keep the audience engaged and intrugued with whats happening on the screen. This would also make the audeince think, another convention of a thriller.
In our questionaire we asked the question, What do you expect from a thriller?
Our results told us that the audeince expect to be scared, exciting and to create suspence.

Tuesday 12 January 2010


Within the opening of our thriller, the editing consists of cross-cutting between the action and the flashbacks. With many straight cuts to create continuity editing.
Also we will add the diegeitc and non-diegetic soumd in after filming for example in the kidnapping scene.
We will also be using eye line match to show the action between the two character- showing the more dominant character.


The main story line is kidnapping.
We will be cross-cutting between two seperate narratives (flash back, and the 'presnt' moment)

1. Fade in from black, showing a title..

2. Missing child poster is zoomed in..

3. A pan in shot of the kidnappers hideout, showing the pictures of different children, this immediately makes that viewers think, which is conventional.

4.Showing a short clip of action.. Pan shot of her walking out of school, surrounded by other pupils.. Fade to black

5. Showing titles..

6. Showing another shot from school, walking slowly along a deserted road. Point of view shot from the kidnapper

7. Last Title sequence before the title.

8. Continuaous action of her being kidnapped, and her struggling. Intwined with the flash backs of ehr childhood, Flashback start of quick, while the footage of struggling is longer takes. This swaps round as the scene goes on, and the flash backs dominante the scene.

9. Close up of the photo os the girl being crossed off.

10. Name of film (girls name... still undecided)

Opening Titles..

Name Of Studio
-name of the studio that is distributing the film and may or may not have produced it.

Name of production company
-name of the production company that made the film.
- name of the investment group or companies that finaced the substancial part of the film.

-principal actors

Film title

-featured actors

Casting or casting by
-casting director

Music or music composer by
-Composer of music

production design
- production designer

Set design

Costumes or costumes by

Make up artist

Sound recording

Visual effects director


Director of photography

- producer,co producer, executive producer

Influences- instead of it being based on book



More ideas for missing person...

Missing person.....
It starts off with a sense of stalking, to pertray this we will use certain camera angles such as tracking, point of view, pan, extreme close ups (on eyes). For the majority of the opening of a thriller, we are not going to use sound, as the silence creates an uneasy tension. However, on the kidnapping scene, the diegetic sounds from struggling will be emphasised show the realism of whats occuring on camera. Through editing we are going to add in the sound of the struggling over the top of the action, to make the sounds clearer.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Opening scene from Vertigo

This is the opening scene of Alfred Hitchcocks Vertigo. Which doesnt include the titles before hand. Throughout the whole of this extract there is non-diegetic music playing which builds up an uneasy suspence making the veiwer feel uncomfortable and if something is about to happen almost putting them on edge. This shows that through playing music in an opening it really establishes a mood and theme for the film. There is also no dialouge, just action, through research we have found this technique in many other thriller openings such as Memento the technique is used so that it makes the audience think and question whats happening, waiting for the reavaling if the situation/crime. Through this extract it establishes the main character to us through a roof top chase between a police and our main character. This implys to us that crime is at the core if the narritive. The main character's costume is a white shirt and beige trousers, this sould connotate to us wealth, busniess or a profession. The setting is on a roof top in the middle of a city. Where the characters are in quite an isolated location (roof top). The binary opisition portrayed her are justice vs injustice. Which is conventional for a thriller. This opening consists of many conventions and creates suspence for the audience which is what a thriller is meant to do.


Settings: A misterious hidden location where the kidnapper 'deals' with his victims.
Where the thirteen year old girl is walking home from school, a remote lane.
-From the flash backs, memories of her childhood: Family home, in a garden

Costume: 13 year old girl has to wear light colours, ie white or pink, or school uniform which would both pertray her innocence.
The kidnapper isn't seen, so not necessary costume, but costume would be black, incase of any glimpses. In a way, this adds to the binary opposition of dark versus light.
From flash backs, there are two obtions we have to consider: Just using pictures from childhood, or the actual action: All the family would be wearing light colours to pertray happier times.

Props: Pictures from childhood, from happy family occasions.
School uniform, school bag.
The bag which is put over the 13 year olds head.
The red pen to mark off the girls name/picture.

Top Idea

We think our most successful narrative is the 'missing person' thriller, as it includes all the convetions of a thriller: Crime, suspense, showing the main character, it makes the audience think, no dialogue-just action, Consists of themes: identity, representations of gender- male being the more dominant whilst women are more of the victims.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

'Every 5 Minutes'

'Every 5 minutes' was written in October 2005. This wrote about the sources which were available, to establish how many children go missing in the UK every year. The account concludes that it is impossible to be exact but averages it around 100,000 and 180,000...

This has shown me the vast amount of publicity and time is given to give awareness about missing children.

From this, I think the amount of childrens names which are written on the wall in the kid nappers house should be loads, maybe not have the photos, but just cover it in names, male and female...

More Statistics on Missing Children

A total of 1,315,600 children went missing in 1999 (18.8 per 1,000 children)

Non-family abduction§

Family abduction


Missing involuntary, lost or injured

Missing, benign explanation

Some Statistics on Missing Children

There are three distinct types of kidnapping: kidnapping by a relative of the victim or "family kidnapping" (49 percent), kidnapping by an acquaintance of the victim or "acquaintance kidnapping" (27 percent), and kidnapping by a stranger to the victim or "stranger kidnapping" (24 percent).

85% to 90% of the 876,213 persons reported missing to America’s law enforcement agencies in 2000 were people under the age of 18.

152,265 of the people reported missing in 2000 were categorized as either endangered or involuntary.

The number of missing persons reported to law enforcement has increased from 154, 341 in 1982 to 876,213 in 2000. That is an increase of 468%.

Kidnapping makes up less than 2 percent of all violent crimes against juveniles reported to police.

Missing Poster

Here is a Missing Poster which I found on Google. As our film is on missing children, i think it is important to research how they are published to try to find missing children, i.e Posters, Websites etc... Here is one example

Little Girls Names For the Missing Child Thriller

Here are a few of the names which we have considered for the 'missing child' idea.


Another Idea

Missing Person...
Close up shot of a Missing Person on Poster, a little female child aged 13. Goes straight the the action (conventional of a thriller) Straight cut to the 13 year old girl walking along an empty road. Flashback to the girl being aged 6, happy with her family surrounding her, cheerful, like a family get together, a birthday party. Straight cut to kidnap scene where a bag is put over the 13 year old girls head, see her struggling. Fade to black, lasting 2 seconds, Straight cut to another family affair, now at the age of 8. Fade to black again, lasting 4 seconds, straight cut to the 13 year old being put in the car boot. Fade to black, lasting 6 seconds, straight cut to last family affair, ages 10, blowing out the candles at the brithday, slowly fades to black. An establishing shot of the kidnappers room, the little girls photos covering the walls. On one wall, pictures of children with lines through to represent the kids hes killed. Zoom in on the picture of the 13 year old, close up of him crossing it off. Fades to black, 8 seconds, Name comes up in baby pink (the Title) fades to bloody red, conventional to a thriller.

New Idea

The Titles are on a black background. Straight cut to someone picking up a knife, with blood dripping off the blade. Black out to Titles. Straight cut to mid shot of person walking with the knife towards the sink, black out to titles. Close up of washing the knife. Black out to Titles... Name of the Film shown. Straight cut to slow zoom into the dead body.
Never see the Killers face, just hands and back of the head, adding to the suspense, convetional to a Thriller... Other conventions of this as follows:
  • Indroduces you to the main character
  • Crime is at the Core of the narrative
  • The sense of unknowing creats suspense

Brainstorm for our thriller..

  1. A conventinal character (young female) portraying innocence walks through woods in dusk. The supence created would commences when there will be an effect of her being followed. Introduces the main character which is conventinal. to a thriller. Flashbacks of a crime involving her- making crime at the core narratie-conventinal.
  2. Ghosts, the idea of the unknown creates suspence and a sinistar atmosphere. With the main character being male- in thrillers males are usually portrayed to the audience as the more dominant gender.
  3. Setting in abandoned warehouse, the characters, two men and one woman, one man being a villian, the other more of the hero. Both men back to back, with guns in there hands, walking away from each other, at any point they can shoot (idea of cowboys minus the american atmospherical settings) and through them walking away from each other, slowly, creates a suspensful and uneasy tention, making the audience feel on edge. With non diegetic music, with the slow low base beat representing a heartbeat. Fast pased attack is convetional to a thriller.

Monday 4 January 2010

Analysis of 'The Sixth Sense' opening scene

Haunted creepy music, almost hear the sound of howling wind.
Asycronous sound of flute playing.
Music is slow and eerie, adding a feeling of suspense.

Church- creepy and symbolic of death, graveyards.
White ghost figure walking towards house - disappears.
Tall houses in city.
The writing of the titles in white, emphasising the ghost like figures.

All shots start off in black and white.
Pan shot of Church from two different angles.
Short take of clock tower, with the clock hands not moving, sybolising that time stays still.
On clock tower, goes from shallow to deep focus on the clock tower
Gradually gaining colour in shots, pan shot of a house with arches.
Slow zoom shot of an alley way, with a white ghost like figure standing in the distance.
Short take of a city street.

Shots fade to black.
'Key hole' transition, only showing a section of the footage, keeping the audience interest.
After alley shot, the short take fades to black, leaving the white figure walking towards the camera.
The writing of the Titles transition are: fades in/ ghost effect out.

Friday 1 January 2010


We want this to show how slowly the time has gone. The clock will be set at 10 seconds to twelve. There will be a close up on a grandmother clock. After each tick, it swaps from the pendulum to the clock face, until it gets to 5 seconds, then focuses on an extreme close up of the clock face. When the Clock strikes 12, fades slowly to black...