Wednesday, 27 January 2010

About Flash Backs

We have had some issues with resolving how we are going to portray the flashbacks of 'Annabel'. The choices we had were:
Refilming the scene of a childhood memory
or Pictures in a collage from different childhood occasions
or Using real footage from our actors childhood, (family relative so easy to get hold of).

After much thought and consideration, we have come to the conclusion that we will be using the real footage from the childooh of our actor, as this way, it will make it more realistic and reliable, as it is the actor when younger...

We have come to this conclusion because, if we would have decided to refilm the footage, we would have had the difficulty in finding a suitable location and actors to represent a family. As we needed a young actor, we would have needed to get permission, which would have been a lot more difficult process.

We have chosen against the idea of pictures, as it would have been tricky to film the pictures in an interesting way that would engage the audience that would keep the pace of the action fast. However, we are still going to use some pictures, as quick flash back before the end titles, in a dramatic and ongoing fast pace way.

Millie and Sophie

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