Tuesday 5 January 2010

Another Idea

Missing Person...
Close up shot of a Missing Person on Poster, a little female child aged 13. Goes straight the the action (conventional of a thriller) Straight cut to the 13 year old girl walking along an empty road. Flashback to the girl being aged 6, happy with her family surrounding her, cheerful, like a family get together, a birthday party. Straight cut to kidnap scene where a bag is put over the 13 year old girls head, see her struggling. Fade to black, lasting 2 seconds, Straight cut to another family affair, now at the age of 8. Fade to black again, lasting 4 seconds, straight cut to the 13 year old being put in the car boot. Fade to black, lasting 6 seconds, straight cut to last family affair, ages 10, blowing out the candles at the brithday, slowly fades to black. An establishing shot of the kidnappers room, the little girls photos covering the walls. On one wall, pictures of children with lines through to represent the kids hes killed. Zoom in on the picture of the 13 year old, close up of him crossing it off. Fades to black, 8 seconds, Name comes up in baby pink (the Title) fades to bloody red, conventional to a thriller.

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