Wednesday, 13 January 2010


For reasearch we created a questionaire to gain an audience understanding of what they expect in a thriller film.
Through our questionaire we learnt that the name of our thriller will now be Annabel as this was the majority of the votes. Also we have concluded that the setting will take place inside. Due to the results being to similar we are still undecided on the location it is a choice between a warehouse or a old abandoned house. To resolve this matter we are going to take picture of both locations and show to the audience, to get there opinion to help decide the better location because it has to appeal to the audience. The audiences opinion was also wanting it to be set at night as there would be an issue with lighting we need to think of solutions to solve this issue.
As the results from the questionaire were so varied when asked about music we are just going to go with the conventional choral music but to please the audience we could include elements of the other genre's in which have been chosen. Through the questionaire and our own decisions we have decided that there will also no dialouge in the opeinng scene as this would keep the audience engaged and intrugued with whats happening on the screen. This would also make the audeince think, another convention of a thriller.
In our questionaire we asked the question, What do you expect from a thriller?
Our results told us that the audeince expect to be scared, exciting and to create suspence.

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