Wednesday 6 January 2010

Opening scene from Vertigo

This is the opening scene of Alfred Hitchcocks Vertigo. Which doesnt include the titles before hand. Throughout the whole of this extract there is non-diegetic music playing which builds up an uneasy suspence making the veiwer feel uncomfortable and if something is about to happen almost putting them on edge. This shows that through playing music in an opening it really establishes a mood and theme for the film. There is also no dialouge, just action, through research we have found this technique in many other thriller openings such as Memento the technique is used so that it makes the audience think and question whats happening, waiting for the reavaling if the situation/crime. Through this extract it establishes the main character to us through a roof top chase between a police and our main character. This implys to us that crime is at the core if the narritive. The main character's costume is a white shirt and beige trousers, this sould connotate to us wealth, busniess or a profession. The setting is on a roof top in the middle of a city. Where the characters are in quite an isolated location (roof top). The binary opisition portrayed her are justice vs injustice. Which is conventional for a thriller. This opening consists of many conventions and creates suspence for the audience which is what a thriller is meant to do.

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