Tuesday 5 January 2010

Brainstorm for our thriller..

  1. A conventinal character (young female) portraying innocence walks through woods in dusk. The supence created would commences when there will be an effect of her being followed. Introduces the main character which is conventinal. to a thriller. Flashbacks of a crime involving her- making crime at the core narratie-conventinal.
  2. Ghosts, the idea of the unknown creates suspence and a sinistar atmosphere. With the main character being male- in thrillers males are usually portrayed to the audience as the more dominant gender.
  3. Setting in abandoned warehouse, the characters, two men and one woman, one man being a villian, the other more of the hero. Both men back to back, with guns in there hands, walking away from each other, at any point they can shoot (idea of cowboys minus the american atmospherical settings) and through them walking away from each other, slowly, creates a suspensful and uneasy tention, making the audience feel on edge. With non diegetic music, with the slow low base beat representing a heartbeat. Fast pased attack is convetional to a thriller.

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