Monday, 4 January 2010

Analysis of 'The Sixth Sense' opening scene

Haunted creepy music, almost hear the sound of howling wind.
Asycronous sound of flute playing.
Music is slow and eerie, adding a feeling of suspense.

Church- creepy and symbolic of death, graveyards.
White ghost figure walking towards house - disappears.
Tall houses in city.
The writing of the titles in white, emphasising the ghost like figures.

All shots start off in black and white.
Pan shot of Church from two different angles.
Short take of clock tower, with the clock hands not moving, sybolising that time stays still.
On clock tower, goes from shallow to deep focus on the clock tower
Gradually gaining colour in shots, pan shot of a house with arches.
Slow zoom shot of an alley way, with a white ghost like figure standing in the distance.
Short take of a city street.

Shots fade to black.
'Key hole' transition, only showing a section of the footage, keeping the audience interest.
After alley shot, the short take fades to black, leaving the white figure walking towards the camera.
The writing of the Titles transition are: fades in/ ghost effect out.

1 comment:

  1. How has this opening ispired and influenced you in your own production planning?

    Sophie - you need to be blogging too!!
